Thank you for your interest in our DIAL workshop!
We are accepting workshop requests for Fall 2024:
Priority will be given to workshop request submitted by Monday September 23, 2024 5pm (MT). Any request submitted past the deadline will be included in our waitlist, and we will do our best to meet your needs based on the availability and capacity of our Peer Educators.
Below we have outlined the DIAL workshop agreements that are included in the workshop request forms.
When requesting a DIAL workshop you are agreeing to the following:
- Request workshops at least 3 weeks in advance of intended date to provide enough time for scheduling, development, and preparation (for more information on the breakdown of this timeline, you can review the “workshop” tab).
- Workshops request with more than 30 participants may require the group to be divided into smaller groups and the reservation of multiple spaces.
- Workshops will be a minimum of 1.5 hours to 3 hours maximum. If you require a shorter a shorter or longer time frame, we will need to set a meeting to determine if we are able to make that accommodation.
- Responsible for maintaining contact. If we are unable to reach you two weeks before the workshop, we will be forced to cancel to respect the time of our peer educators.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the program and/or DIAL workshops contact
Donations are not a requirement for requesting DIAL Workshops. We provide free campus-wide, peer-led workshops by and for undergraduate students at CSU. Therefore, your workshop request is not contingent on donations.